July 14, 2015


Love Dominos

Last week I got this out of the blue text from a friend, “I just want you to know I think you are a gifted, giving, unique soul that I feel blessed to know and love.” It totally made my day, and inspired me not just to text back a love note to that friend, but to send sweet messages to other friends and to express my adoration to my family.

I saw how our daughter received it, and then expressed her admiration for a girl in line at the store, telling her how pretty she looked.

Love dominos. One to the next. It works.

Expressing your admiration and love for someone is a win-win-win situation. We often don’t take the time to make these little communications. Not because we don’t feel it, but perhaps because we’re too busy, or too shy, or it’s just been awhile since we stopped to reflect on how much our people mean to us.

That’s why we’ve created #lovesharewin. It’s a simple system for encouraging you to take the time, and it has a structure that we hope will keep it from feeling silly.

You get the win of the feeling that is created when you open your heart and pour love out. A recent study at the University of Texas found that the expression of affection doesn’t just feel good, it’s good for you – producing measurable health benefits. Another study showed that writing a letter expressing feelings of love lowered people’s stress levels, and it did so faster than simply thinking about a loved one, journaling, meditating or doing nothing.

Making a warm connection is good for you. It’s worth taking the time for it – even if just for your health! It could potentially be more beneficial than meditation.

The recipient gets the win of a surprise expression of love in their email. Imagine this sweet person diligently entering the office potty schedule into Excel when they get a ping in their inbox telling them what an awesome human they are! It will make their day, or at least make them smile.

They are also likely to instantly relax a bit, breathe a little deeper, and feel less stressed – all things that are important for optimal wellness. So, basically, by sending them a little love note through #lovesharewin, you’re improving their health. You’re such a good friend ;).

The world gets the win of having more sweetness being exchanged and the ripple effect that creates. When someone receives unexpected praise and love, it increases the likelihood that they will go on to express their own appreciation of someone else. And then that person is more likely to feel joyful and continue to spread the sweetness. Love dominos in action!

Oh, and one more win . . . when you send this love note via #lovesharewin, they are entered to win a $100 Dragontree Apothecary gift certificate, and so are you. Every month we draw a winner from all the entries to win a gift certificate for our handmade, artisan bath and body, muscle and joint relief, or supplement products.

We’re so excited about this project and the major ripples of love it can create in the world. Go here to get started: thedragontree.com/lovesharewin

Briana and everyone at The Dragontree

July 11, 2015


Golden Eggs and Champagne Weekends

It’s hard to believe it was 12 years ago that my 23-year-old girlfriend opened a spa. About a year earlier, she had been fired from the spa where she and I had worked and met, for telling the owners one too many times how they could improve the place. They replied (not unkindly), “If you think you can do it better, go do it.” And then, to (almost) everyone’s amazement, she did.

Running and growing The Dragontree has challenged us like nothing else. It reminds me of the story of the Oo-aa bird. An anthropologist had heard of the legendary African bird and was curious as to the origin of its name. So, she spoke to some indigenous people in the bird’s native habitat, and they told her, “You must see the bird’s egg. Then you will understand its name.” After months of searching, they happened upon an Oo-aa bird in the act of laying an egg, and much to the anthropologist’s surprise, the egg was a golden cube. As the egg came out, the bird shrieked, “Oooooooooo!!” and then finally, “Aaaaaah!”

What Briana initially envisioned as a place for people to get massages and facials has become so much more – an educational organization, a publisher, an outlet for our creative expression and personal missions, a forum for dozens of talented healers to practice their art, a maker of health and body care products . . .  It’s been not unlike birthing multiple cubical golden eggs. They can hurt like heck on the way out, but ultimately every expansion yields a new treasure.

The greatest of these treasures is the people we have connected to through The Dragontree. To celebrate you during our anniversary month, we’ll be having Champagne Weekends and $12 standalone foot baths all month long. We'll also have weekly giveaways, both in the spas and online, culminating in the award of a 12 month Habits of Harmony membership to one lucky client.

I’m looking forward to the day when I’m writing, “It’s hard to believe it was 25 years ago that my 23-year-old girlfriend opened this spa.” Thanks so much for being part of our dream.

Much love,

Dr. Peter Borten

July 09, 2015


A Peaceful World, An Inspiring Community

We are proud to announce the new Dragontree Apothecary blog!

While we won’t be shying away from news and information about all things Dragontree, we hope to develop a place of community and education here. We consistently strive to bring peace to individuals through spa services and aftercare, but a holistic approach to wellness is about so much more than that. It’s time to dig even deeper.

From the opening of our original Dragontree Spa in Portland, Oregon to the introduction of our Rituals for Living Dreambook, we strive to bring a feeling of peace to every moment of your day to day life – and we want you to be part of ours as well.

It’s time for dialog. It’s time for sharing. It’s time to continue inspiring each other!

We look forward to much information on health and wellness, offering cool and exclusive opportunities, working with guest bloggers, and hearing from you!

Welcome ALL!
